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Smart Habits For Your Home

Take comfort in warmth, savings, and energy efficiency this fall and winter season.

 Stay on top of savings as temperatures drop by implementing these easy, at-home measures:

  • Install a programmable thermostat and set it to accurately follow your schedule. We offer savings and rebates for smart thermostats, learn more
  • Schedule a yearly tune-up for your heating system with a licensed contractor to keep your system in tip-top shape.
  • Change your air filter regularly. Inspecting your air filter is key, especially during heavy use months in winter and summer. If the filter looks dirty after a month, change it. At a minimum, change or clean your filter every three months. A dirty filter will waste energy by slowing down air flow and making your system work harder.
  • Have a natural gas fireplace? If your fireplace doesn't have glass doors, consider having a set installed to help keep warm air in the house. When not in use, close fireplace dampers, if possible.
  • With holiday cooking and family gatherings, kitchens are particularly vulnerable to excessive warming. If you have them, adjust the kitchen vents until the room is comfortable.
  • Try adjusting upstairs vents in a two-story home to counter the effect of warm air rising from the first floor.
  • Want to stay connected with us and learn more smart tips for home savings measures? Like us and follow us on Facebook, here.






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